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Monday, February 8, 2010

It's Unbelievable?

As I read the said article,which is all about a student who accepts $32,000 bid for her virginity. I couldn't imagine it, a girl or a lady who would sell her virginity just to earn money just to pay her tuition fees. It is very unbelievable! She made a big sin, because she didn't follow the law of God that said; "Take care of  your body because it is Holy".
There are many ways to earn money. You can be a working student or make a projects or crafts to earn money instead of selling your virginity. The girl made a big decision. I cannot blame her, maybe she made it for the sake of her education.  Maybe also she did that because education is very important to her, but she lost a very important part of her life, her pride and her womanhood. She never thinks on what consequences would happened after she do it. It is horrifically sad, because she lost a very important thing in her life that cannot be replace anymore.

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